Clean Safe Green Carpet Cleaning

Area Rug Cleaning

Revitalize your area rugs with our expert cleaning services

Welcome to PNW Carpet & Duct Cleaning, where we appreciate the charm and warmth that area rugs bring to any space. Nonetheless, with time, they accumulate dirt, dust, and allergens, impacting both their aesthetics and indoor air quality. This is where our specialized area rug cleaning services come into play. Our focus is on renewing the allure and cleanliness of your area rugs, restoring their freshness and appeal.

Our area rug cleaning process initiates with a meticulous assessment of your rugs to discern unique cleaning needs. Whether it’s a delicate Persian masterpiece or a robust synthetic piece, our skilled technicians are adept at approaching each rug type appropriately. We employ advanced cleaning techniques and environmentally-conscious solutions – powerful against dirt and stains, yet gentle on rug fibers.

Our potent cleaning equipment targets deep-rooted dirt and allergens, leaving your rugs sanitized, refreshed, and vibrant. Stubborn stains and high-traffic regions receive our close attention, ensuring a comprehensive and efficient cleaning.

Opting for PNW Carpet & Duct Cleaning signifies your dedication to excellence and customer satisfaction. Our team thrives on delivering exceptional cleaning outcomes and impeccable customer service.

With our professional area rug cleaning, you embrace a healthier living environment and elongate the lifespan of your cherished rugs. Irrespective of whether you own a single small area rug or a collection of invaluable pieces, we treat each rug with the reverence it deserves.

Discover the transformation freshly cleaned area rugs bring by scheduling a session with us today. Let us revive your rugs, reinstating their new-like look and feel. Rely on our proficiency and commitment to magnify the magnificence of your area rugs, elevating your home’s comfort and appeal. Reach out now to reserve your area rug cleaning service in Seattle.

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Cleaner Area Rug

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Thousands of homes, one standard of clean

With over a decade of experience, we have built a strong reputation for providing professional, reliable, and affordable cleaning services. Our team of skilled and friendly technicians is committed to ensuring your complete satisfaction, no matter how big or small the job is.

Our Process


Our Area Rug Cleaning Equipment
We effectively remove dirt, stains, and allergens from your area rug. Our EPA Safer Choice cleaning solution leaves no residue behind, ensuring a thorough and residue-free clean.

Careful Inspection
Prior to cleaning, our skilled technicians meticulously inspect your area rugs for pulls, rips, and tears to avoid any potential damage during the cleaning process. Your rugs are in safe hands with us.


Extend the Life of Your Area Rug Cleaning
Preserve the cleanliness of your area rug with our protective treatment that safeguards against dirt and spills, while also reducing static electricity, ensuring lasting cleanliness.

Enjoy Increased Durability
Our protective solution not only shields against dirt and spills but also enhances the rug’s resilience to everyday wear and tear caused by foot traffic and vacuuming.

A Must-Have for Pets and Kids
For households with kids and pets, area rug protection becomes even more essential in maintaining the pristine results of every cleaning, ensuring a spotless and long-lasting rug.


Neutralize Odors from Pets, Kids, and More
Eliminate various odors lingering in your home, from food to kids and pets, by applying our effective deodorizer to your area rug.

Don’t Mask Area Rug Smells. Remove Them.
Say goodbye to unpleasant odors! Our deodorizer not only masks but eliminates rug odors at their source, leaving no trace of unwanted smells.

A Fresh Start for Your Home
Experience a revitalized home ambiance as our deodorizer leaves your area rug smelling fresh and clean, bringing a renewed sense of freshness to your entire living space.

How We Clean Area Rugs

  1. Inspection and Consultation: Our expert team will carefully inspect your area rugs and discuss the cleaning process with you, ensuring a tailored approach to your specific needs.
  2. Furniture Preparation: Before commencing the cleaning, we will efficiently move any furniture obstructing the area rugs, ensuring a thorough and unobstructed cleaning process.
  3. Spot Treatment: We apply targeted spot treatment to areas that require extra attention, addressing stains and spots effectively.
  4. Deep Cleaning Process: Using advanced rug cleaning machines, we perform a deep cleaning process. These machines utilize hot water to release embedded dirt from the rug fibers, followed by efficient water extraction.
  5. Fast Drying: The powerful suction of our rug cleaning machines expedites the drying process by removing a significant amount of water, allowing your area rug to dry quickly.
  6. Final Inspection: As a finishing touch, we conduct a meticulous final inspection to ensure your complete satisfaction with the clean and refreshed appearance of your area rug.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does area rug cleaning cost?

The cost of area rug cleaning depends on the rug’s size and material. Contact us for a free quote!

How do you clean area rugs?

We steam clean area rugs using the hot-water extraction method, which extracts dirt and allergens from deep within the rug fibers. Learn more here.

Can you steam clean area rugs?

We use the hot water extraction method, often referred to as steam cleaning, to clean area rugs effectively. Learn more on our area rug service page.

Who cleans area rugs?

At Carpet & Duct Cleaning, we offer top-notch area rug cleaning using our hot-water extraction method, removing dirt and allergens from the rug fibers and your home.